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  • 18
    Yillik eksport tajribasi
  • 120
    Mahsulotlarimizni eksport qilgan mamlakatlar
  • 85000000
    AQSh dollari Yillik o'rtacha eksport qiymati
Biz haqimizda

Shanxi Solid Industrial Co., Ltd uglerodli po'latdan, qotishma po'latdan va zanglamaydigan po'latdan yuqori sifatli quvurlar, quvur qismlari va flanes ishlab chiqarishga ixtisoslashgan korxonadir. Biz har xil turdagi quvurlar, quvur qismlari va gardishlarga ixtisoslashganmiz va nafaqat yuqori va yangi texnologiyaga egamiz, balki yuqori sifat va eng yaxshi narxni ta'minlash uchun ilg'or mexanik ishlov berish va sinov uskunalarini ham olamiz.

Batafsil ma'lumot

issiq mahsulotlar

Ilova sanoati

Vaziyat taqdimoti

Koʻproq koʻrish
  • Manufacturing Capacity

    Have the manufacturing ability of steel pipe and fittings and flanges, including the master and application of casting, processing, heat treatment and other processes.
  • Quality Control Capability

    With strict quality control system, it can control and supervise the production process of steel pipes, pipe fittings and flanges to ensure that product quality meets the standards and requirements.
  • After-sales Service Capability

    Able to provide comprehensive after- sales service, including installation guidance, technical support, product warranty, etc., to meet customer needs and solve problems.


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So'ngi yangiliklar